Welcome to Edgewater Legal

Cover image for Welcome to Edgewater Legal

On 18 February 1853 the Times of London carried the following leader:

"Every civilised people on the face of the earth must be fully aware that this country is the asylum of nations and it will defend the asylum to the last ounce of its treasure, the last drop of its blood. There is no point whatsoever on which we are prouder and more resolute"

To paraphrase Bob Dylan, how times have changed.

We now face a situation where, following years of increasing immigration control, the process for individuals seeking to work, study or join a family member in the UK, or for business seeking to employ foreign workers, is very far from straightforward.

As the husband of a foreign national, and the father of a dual national, I know only too well the burdens carried by those who must negotiate these rules and regulations.

Edgewater Legal is founded on a belief that immigration - of whatever type, for whatever reason - is an unequivocal good for our society. It is founded on a belief that there is continued demand - and need -  for good quality immigration lawyers at a reasonable cost for both individuals and business.

It is for these reasons that Edgewater Legal seeks to provide a full service, to both individuals and business, and invites prospective clients to get in touch to discuss their needs.

Main image credit: Photo at EWL